Friday, 16 September 2022

The Extended Family

A manically detailed drawing, 50 X 65 cm, made immediately after returning from a month in Italy. As usual, all of the characters can be found in the pages of my sketchbooks, a selection from which has been published by Carnets-Livres in Paris (see links). 




The Emperor's New Suit

130 x 81 cm. Charcoal on Canson paper. For those not familiar with the story, it can be found translated into English at the following link: I put the two con artists into city suits, which gives the story a nice contemporary feel

 3000€ framed


Painted terracotta / Terre cuite patinée  40 x 60 cm

New Work

There are many canvases underway, and an abundance of ideas waiting to be addressed. Here are two paintings from the current series on the theme of transformation through costume.  

Plusieurs toiles sont entamées, avec une pléthore d'idées en attente. Voici deux tableaux de la série en cours, sur le thème de la transformation par le costume.

La Guerrière, oil on canvas, huile sur toile, 162 x 114 cm

Le Shaman, oil on canvas, huile sur toile, 162 x 97 cm